Guideline for Writing Effective Press Release

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

W.Randolph Hearst, well regarded American Newspaper tycoon once defined news as being what someone, somewhere doesn't what you to print-all the rest is advertising. Ideally the News may be something that directly affects the reader educates or informs them or in any way changes the existing situation with hidden advertising appeal. A press release must initially relate to something that would interest an average news reader and it should have a forward-looking statements regarding future. While choosing a press release medium make sure to check that particular press release site has a thoughtful reader base and catering your specific niche oriented market. For effective release, the newsworthiness alone and nothing else can make a release acceptable to a news site hence Newsworthiness makes information exciting, acceptable, interesting and memorable.

A press release incorporate a single, coherent message in a matter of fact style with enough background information to authenticate that message. A well written press release has the specific objective of conveying, timely and accurate and genuine information with minimum words- without spelling mistake and grammar and the basic facts are put words in together a clear, easy to understand language, tense and concise style without losing the aesthatic value.

Getting approval for a press release distribution is an easy process but if you are supposed to make release in google/yahoo news they are going to consider background information, worthiness of your news, your site rank and age too, and the relevancy of your informations as a priority. If your content have non-commercial value your site should have contributors from different area and your site must have registered as an organization. Also the writing should have a logical sequence and each paragraph should be precise and contain a single idea. I dont think there is any scope for creative writing, vague conclusions or personal opinion in a news article. A news release is a source of information, not an exercise in writing style.

Checklist; The Eight point of News Release Model from old marketing school which has still importance;

Subject; What is the story about?

Organization; What is the name of organization?

Location; What is the location of the organization, you can add your site url and contact address.

Advantages; What is "New","Special" "Benieficial" about the product or service?

What buyer problems does our product or service can solve?

Applications; How or by whom can the product or service can be used or enjoyed?

Details; What are the specifications or detail about the features?

Source; If this is different from location mention the source of location, such as your office is in US you operate from UK and your branches are in other cities.

I hope these basic guideline is going to help you to make your press release most effective, also before planning for a press release, I would suggest you to know well What is your niche and your target audience? Get it written by a professional writer instead of writing your own.


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